Dental Implants – Aesthetic Implant Dentistry

When you need to replace a missing tooth, dental implants are an excellent choice. They look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They also prevent remaining teeth from shifting to fill the gap.

Implant Dentist Las Vegas will insert a titanium screw-shaped post into your jawbone. As the implant heals, bone grows into and around it, creating a solid new root for the artificial tooth.

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Aesthetic implant dentistry focuses on replacing missing teeth with dental prostheses that look as natural as possible. These prostheses can include single-tooth replacements, multi-tooth replacements, and full dentures. Unlike other tooth replacement options, implants are fabricated with artificial tooth material that can be made to match your gum line and other teeth. During an initial consultation, your dentist will examine the health of your teeth, gums, and jawbone tissue. Depending on your health status, you may be required to take medication to improve the chance of a successful implant. Smoking and diabetes are also risk factors for poor healing and implant failure.

The esthetics of implant restorations can be improved through various techniques, including socket preservation and guided bone regeneration. However, these methods are not always enough for certain cases. For example, if a patient suffers from severe tissue deficiencies caused by multiple extractions, a surgical approach that can restore the height of the ridge is essential. In addition, a proper papilla formation is important for achieving satisfactory esthetics.

In esthetic implant treatment, careful planning and superior execution are critical. The abutment of an implant is the piece that connects to your new crown and must be placed properly in order for the restoration to appear natural. The abutment must be positioned below the gumline to prevent it from protruding and making a bad impression. This process is called subgingival placement, and it can be done with local anesthesia. In some cases, your dentist will use oral sedation to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure.

Once the abutment is in place, you can expect a waiting period before the crown can be attached to it. This is because the abutment must heal fully before it can be topped with a crown. In some cases, this can take up to six months. During this time, you should avoid eating hard or chewy foods and brush the area around the implant with a soft toothbrush. If you experience pain, it is normal to feel it occasionally.

Aesthetic implant dentistry can be a great choice for people who have lost one or more teeth. It can restore their appearance and improve their self-esteem. In most cases, the implant can be positioned without grafting, which is more cost-effective than other methods. It is important to choose an implant dentist who has extensive experience with this type of treatment.


Implants are an excellent alternative to dentures or bridges, and can help preserve the bone in the area of a missing tooth. They also look and feel more like natural teeth, and are easier to keep clean with regular brushing and flossing. Implants are durable and can last for a lifetime with proper care, but they do need to be maintained and monitored on a regular basis.

When considering dental implants, it is important to talk to your dentist about whether or not they are right for you. They will usually begin the process with a comprehensive exam and dental X-rays. They may then make plaster models of the teeth and jaw to help them plan for the final position and restoration of the implants. They may also use CBCT scanning technology to enhance precision by creating 3D images of the area that will be treated.

Depending on the extent of the work needed, you might need to visit a specialist such as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or a dentist who works with structures that support the teeth, such as the gums and bones (periodontist). Occasionally, a general dentist or an ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon may also be involved in the procedure.

Your dentist will decide which type of implant to use, and how many. The most common is the endosteal implant, which consists of screws or cylinders surgically placed in the bone to hold one or more prosthetic teeth. Other types include subperiosteal, which is a metal framework with posts that extend out through the gum. These are more stable than endosteal implants, and are often used for patients who cannot wear conventional dentures.

The success of an implant depends on its ability to fuse with the bone, a process called osseointegration. The only ways this can fail are poor oral hygiene or excessive biting forces that strain the implant. These issues can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene and seeing your dentist regularly for professional cleanings.

If you suffer from chronic disease, such as leukemia or diabetes, you might not be able to get an implant because these diseases can slow down the healing process. You might also not be a candidate for implant surgery if you smoke, which can cause complications during and after the procedure.


Dental implants are a permanent replacement for missing teeth and offer many benefits for oral health, including maintaining the shape of the face, preventing bone loss, and promoting the healthy growth of the jawbone. However, they must be cared for properly to ensure long-term success. Dental implant maintenance includes regular brushing, flossing, and the use of an antimicrobial mouthwash to help prevent gum disease. It also involves avoiding habits that can damage the implants, such as smoking and chewing hard foods. The maintenance program should also include regular visits to the dentist, including X-rays and cleanings.

Implants are susceptible to the same problems as natural teeth, and the earliest sign of a problem is bleeding around the implant site. This is called mucositis, and it can be cured with proper hygiene. However, if it is not treated early on, the infection can progress to peri-implantitis, which is not reversible and leads to advanced bone loss.

Those with dental implants must commit to a consistent hygiene routine and regular cleanings by their dentist or periodontist. They should brush their implant-supported teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste, and use a flosser or interdental brushes to reach spaces that a toothbrush cannot. It is also important to avoid sugary and acidic foods, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, patients should be sure to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet that includes calcium and vitamin D for optimal bone health.

The implant-supported restoration must be carefully sanitized on a daily basis to remove food debris and plaque from the surrounding tissues. The abutment, prosthetics, and underlying bone need to be free of bacteria in order to remain healthy. A professional dental cleaning will remove the buildup and disinfect the area. The dentist may use titanium scalers, ultrasonics, or an air polisher with glycine powder to remove hard-to-reach areas.

The long-term success of implants is dependent on good home care and regular prophylaxis visits to the dentist. The visits should include clinical examination, radiographic examination of the peri-implant hard and soft tissue, and cleaning of the prosthetic, abutment, and implant sites using an antimicrobial mouthwash.


Dental implants can be costly, but they’re the most durable tooth replacement solution on the market. Compared to traditional bridges or dentures, they last longer and don’t require anchoring to surrounding teeth. Implants can also prevent bone degeneration, which can cause the remaining natural teeth to shift and lose their shape. In addition to the cost of an implant, patients must pay for any preparatory procedures needed. These can include a bone graft to increase jaw bone density, sinus lift, or gum tissue augmentation.

It’s important to find a dentist who has experience with dental implants. They should be able to provide you with a treatment plan and estimate that explains the total cost. They should also be able to address any questions or concerns you may have about the cost of your treatment.

The cost of a dental implant can vary depending on your specific needs. The most common costs include the implant fixture, the restoration that replaces the missing tooth, and the abutment piece that connects the two. Some practices may charge more than others, but it’s worth remembering that cheaper alternatives typically need replacing every few years.

Before you get a dental implant, your dentist will perform a comprehensive oral exam and take X-rays of your mouth and jawbone. They may also create models of your teeth and jaw to help with the planning process. In addition, you should discuss your medical history with your dental provider to make sure you’re healthy enough for the procedure.

Dental insurance often covers some of the cost of a dental implant. However, some plans may put a cap on how much they will reimburse per year or per procedure. For this reason, many people choose to opt for standalone dental financing options instead of using their existing health or life insurance coverage.

Most dentists offer a range of payment plans, such as CareCredit, the largest of the dental-financing companies. These can help you manage the cost of your dental implants over time and are available from more than 80% of dentists.